Don’t forget… Tomorrow is the annual Parkhill Stanley Park Community pancake breakfast! Join us for some free breakfast, live music, kids activities and a petting zoo!
Wednesday June 21st, 2023 6 -7:30PM Embrace the magic of the Summer Solstice! ✨ Join us at the Parkhill Community Centre for a transformative workshop celebrating the year’s longest day. Discover inner harmony, connect with nature, and awaken your senses....
Join us for the Parkhill Stanley Park Family Christmas Event. It is a fun-filled family event with delicious holiday food, kids’ arts & crafts, entertainment, and gifts for all children aged 10 and under. Saturday, Dec 10th, 2022 4:30 pm – 10:00 pm...
Workshop Alert!!! Healthy Eating Monday, Feb 10th 6:30-8pm with Tara Hohol, Certified Holistic Nutritionist & Yoga Teacher $12 Member Price REGISTER HERE How do we fight illness through diet? Why is broccoli actually good for me? What can I do to improve my...
Are you on the road to burnout? In this Free 60 minute workshop we will: Access your wellness Acknowledge the ‘ripple effect’ of your wellness on your family, staff and whole organization Recognize the flags that you are on the road to burnout Explore four...
Collection days are changing in April Starting April 22, many Calgary households will see blue, black or green cart pick-up days moving to improve routes. These updates also align with the return of city-wide weekly green cart collection. The new collection schedules will be available on by April 8. Check your schedule to: Find out… Read more: Collection Days are Changing in April for Green, Blue and Black Bins
Neighbours may have noticed that there are bright lights now illuminating the Hall, Parking Lot and Court / Rink area of our Community Association property. We have been advised by Calgary Police Services (CPS) that lighting is critical for reducing crime and improving overall community safety. As several of our volunteers have found drug paraphernalia… Read more: New Lighting Around the Community Association Property
The City of Calgary released its proposed Chinook Communities Local Area Plan (LAP) on February 13th, 2025. The maps that were presented at the Fall 2024 public sessions have not changed and community input from those engagement sessions has not been addressed. Should you wish to share your thoughts, the Infrastructure and Planning Committee… Read more: Proposed Chinook Communities Local Area Plan
Congratulations to Charli Baker and Tammy To, who both won 2 tickets to the premiere of Stephen King’s new film “The Monkey”. Thanks to the Taro Group for generously donating these tickets to our Community Association.
Calgary Police Services has provided us with some easy tips for reducing crime in our neighbourhood. Do not leave bottles in your blue bin or outside. Do not leave valuables outside, or sheds/garages unlocked. If there is nothing to take, then the traffic from undesirables will lessen. Do a security walk around your property. Trim… Read more: Reducing Crime in Parkhill
Four affordable housing providers have been selected to purchase five parcels of City-owned land at below-market value in the communities of Crescent Heights, Erlton, Haysboro, Erin Woods and Shaganappi. These developments are expected to create 387 new affordable homes for Calgarians. The location in Erlton, at 108 Mission Rd will impact our community.