Building our Community Together
Become a member of our Community Association then discover opportunities to volunteer, make a donation or sponsor an event or program.
A Community Garden that needs support from Volunteers, Donors or Garden Box Sponsors.
Our Community Association is 100% powered by volunteers. If you are interested in joining the Board or helping out with a program or at an event, we would love the support.
The Parkhill Community Association leases our hall and adjoining park from the City of Calgary. Although our non-profit Board is run by volunteers, we have expenses that include keeping our lights and heat on, maintaining our rinks in the winter and tennis courts in the summer, landscaping and building maintenance.
The Parkhill Community Association is funded through membership fees, grants, donations, fundraising, sponsorships and (importantly) volunteer hours to operate and provide services and programs for the community.
If you would like to make a donation, please click on the Donate button below. We thank you for your support.
In addition to our local merchant discount program, we have the opportunity for local businesses to sponsor events in our community. Parkhill has over 1,700 residents and our community is growing. If you are a business owner and are interested in growing your customer base by getting involved, please contact us.
Business partners are features on our website, our newsletter and on our socials.