Community News
Parkhill responds to City regarding LOC2023-0394
The Parkhill Community Association provided feedback to the City on LOC2023-0394 (rezoning of 3615, 3623 and 3627 Erlton Court SW from R-C2 to MC2). Please find our letter attached by clicking this link: Parkhill-response-to-LOC2023-0394_February-14-2024-1
Mission Bridge Rehabilitation
The city is rehabilitating Mission Bridge! A long closure to vehicle traffic will be required during construction. Please see the City's website at the link below for more details about the project.
Parkhill Yoga on Dec 20th!
Parkhill Holiday Yoga Class is Dec 20th! This is the last class before the holidays. Join us for class, followed by some holiday cheer.
Chinook LAP
Now is your chance to provide input on the Chinook Local Area Planning process. Deadline for feedback is tomorrow! Click the link to provide feedback.