Calgary Police Services has provided us with some easy tips for reducing crime in our neighbourhood.
- Do not leave bottles in your blue bin or outside.
- Do not leave valuables outside, or sheds/garages unlocked. If there is nothing to take, then the traffic from undesirables will lessen.
- Do a security walk around your property. Trim bushes and trees that could hide individuals. Fix fences, windows and signs of neglect.
- Make it more difficult for individuals to frequent your property. Install locks on fences, security lighting and cameras.
- Look out for each other and report suspicious behaviour.
They also recommend implementing a 9:00 p.m. Routine!
- Remove Valuables & Garage Door Opener from Vehicles
- Lock Vehicles
- Close Overhead Garage Door
- Lock Door Between Garage and House
- Close and Lock all External Doors
- Ensure Windows are Shut Tight
- Turn on an Exterior Light
Stay Safe!