Planning and Development

How To Voice Your Opinion on Area Redevelopment Issues:

The most effective way to communicate your concerns regarding a development permit is to contact the City directly regarding a development permit. Residents can voice their concerns and affect the outcome of a decision on a proposed development by sending individual letters to the appropriate City planner who is in charge of the individual application. To find the contact information, visit the City of Calgary Development Map (or DMAP – Click Here), locate the property you are interested in, click the development permit link (house-shaped icon), click ‘Find Out More’ and scroll down to Contact Information.

The Parkhill Community Association aims to actively engage and offer feedback on various developments within our community and its surrounding areas when relevant. However, as volunteers, our time is limited. If you want to learn more or have questions, please contact us. 

Chinook Local Area Development Plan

The Chinook Local Area Development Plan is a major change proposed by the City on how development is considered within a group of communities. The Community Association selected 2 individuals to represent the community on the LAP committee. We encourage you to learn more and engage to ensure your voices are heard. 

The Parkhill Stanley Park Area Redevelopment Plan provides a framework for development within our community. Please note, the result of the proposed Chinook LAP initiative may end up voiding this plan.

You can find the community’s redevelopment plan at this link

Parkhill Development News Stories

Enmax Substation/Affordable Housing Update

Enmax Substation/Affordable Housing Update

Hello Neighbors! The City has shared a minor updated regarding the plan to build affordable housing at the Enmax Substation on Mission Road (108 Mission RD SW). No applicant was awarded the land in the first phase, therefore the land will be open to non-indigenous...

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Mission Road Enmax Substation Development News

Mission Road Enmax Substation Development News

Hello Parkhill Stanley Park Community! Please see the news story below regarding the future development of the Enmax Substation on Mission Road!  

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Parkhill Responds to DP2024-01499 (319 33 AV SW)

Parkhill Responds to DP2024-01499 (319 33 AV SW)

Posting note: We edited the date to match the date the letter was issued to the City. Parkhill has provided comments to the City for DP2024-01499 (319 33 AV SW). Please refer to the attached letter at the following link Parkhill response to DP2024-01499_March 28 2024

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Parkhill responds to City regarding LOC2023-0394

Parkhill responds to City regarding LOC2023-0394

The Parkhill Community Association provided feedback to the City on LOC2023-0394 (rezoning of 3615, 3623 and 3627 Erlton Court SW from R-C2 to MC2). Please find our letter attached by clicking this link: Parkhill-response-to-LOC2023-0394_February-14-2024-1

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